At BestDistricts, we have a team of expert travelers and editors in charge of creating beautiful content to display the best areas to stay around the world.
Our accommodation guides are created with the ultimate goal of helping readers find out the most amazing districts, the coolest hotspots, and the hidden city gems in which to find accommodation. Along the way, these bookings generate revenue for the properties, our partners, and ourselves.
Create the content and users will follow
Our accommodation guides are created with SEO in mind. We create content in a way that’s proven to drive traffic and conversion.

Highly-targeted traffic
It should come as no surprise that readers who access our site through keywords such as “the best areas to stay in (CITY)” already have a very strong intent to book a room in said city. We provide them with an answer to their question, plus a hand-picked selection of accommodation options in every area.
Where the bookings happen
A well-known fact of online conversions is that most user clicks will invariably go to the topmost content. BestDistricts is no exception to that rule: in all of our accommodation guides, the first areas (and hotels) get over 80% of all the clicks on the website.
What can I do if my hotel is not listed on BestDistricts?
As we mentioned before, our editorial team is in charge of selecting the featured hotels for each area. They do this based on a series of factors such as location, guest ratings, room rates, and availability. These editorial results are listed under each area and look like this:

Promoted Property Program
This new addition to the way we display accommodation partners on BestDistricts allows the participating hotel to have a premier spot on their city guide:
- Before any other hotel is shown.
- With a different (more attention-grabbing) design.
- Right at the beginning of the accommodation guide.
- Only one Promoted Property per page.

This premium location guarantees a high click-through rate (around 30%). And, of course, many more bookings.
If you’d like to see your property in one of our Promoted Property spots, do not hesitate to contact us through the email address marketing[at]